The definition of “Simple Living” according to Wikipedia states, basically: Simple living refers to practices that promote simplicity in one’s lifestyle. Common practices of simple living include reducing the number of possessions one owns, depending less on technology and services, and spending less money.[1][2] In addition to such external changes, simple living also reflects a person’s mindset and values.[3] Simple living practices can be seen in history, religion, art, and economics.

Adherents may choose simple living for a variety of personal reasons, such as spiritualityhealth, increase in quality time for family and friends, work–life balance, personal taste, financial sustainability, increase in philanthropyfrugalityenvironmental sustainability,[4] or reducing stress. Simple living can also be a reaction to economic materialism and consumer culture. Some cite sociopolitical goals aligned with environmentalist, anti-consumerist, or anti-war movements, including conservationdegrowthdeep ecology, and tax resistance.[5]

While all of this makes perfect sense to me, I believe that “Simple Living” is a little more personal for me as their is cause and reason for seeking and living it in this modern age we live in.

First off, I want to make it clear that “Simple Living” does not mean, “Not Working Hard.” This is because living a simple life can be difficult, especially now with so many influences pushing us in a different direction. And I will be the first to admit that I have made many mistakes along the way, but I treated each one as a lesson to be learned.

And second off, I don’t believe that simple living is a lifestyle that can be lived alone. As the famous quote states, “It takes a village.” There are elements of the “Simple Life” that will always cause our dependency on others.

I have always believed that I lived a “Simple Life”, but the truth is that it is a constant battle. Some of the practices that I have embraced throughout the years include:

  • Making my own Coffee and utilizing a thermos to keep it fresh throughout the morning
  • Eating last nights left overs for lunch the next day
  • Growing my own food in raised bed gardens
  • Turning off technology for an hour each day to sit down and read a book
  • Car pooling when possible
  • Avoiding Drama
  • Embracing working on my own health
  • Living by a strict budget where I am saving for the future
  • Building a circle of like minded friends, (which can be difficult), unless it’s online
  • Understanding the difference between my needs and my wants
  • Having no credit card payments which include interest, no car payments and no mortgage
  • Trying my best to help others in need
  • And so much more that I just can’t list them all

Living this way for so many years has lead me to a life of retirement. I am by no means a millionaire, but I find myself now settled in a small house with everything I need and not much that I actually want. There is more than enough financial resources that I have built throughout the years to provide for those needs and even a few wants, but now my question is… “What is next?”

You see, all of those years that I practiced living a simple life was not as easy as it seemed. I was always searching for ways to simplify my life even further. I have reached the end of the line, I suppose, and the habit I formed of constantly seeking answers to things like, “overspending,” and “time management” I feel as if I have conquered. There was always a driving force behind the actions that I had taken to get here and I actually miss that driving force as I feel that it made me feel alive.

I have learned so much and now I am thinking that it may be a great time to start teaching. Maybe there are others like me who are looking for a path to follow. I am not saying that I have all of the answers as I know that we are all walk different paths in life, but it may be possible for me to move forward on my path to help others with finding theirs.

One pressing thought that has always been on my mind when I learn something new that helps me on journey is, “I wish I knew this when I was younger.”

What exactly are you looking for that would make your life a little “Simpler,” and what are you doing already that places you on the path of a “Simple Life?”

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I’m Billy,

After many years of working in stressful careers I find myself in retirement life. I want to share all of the ups and downs of retirement along with my dreams and ambitions. I am in a constant search for peace and tranquility.