One of the processes of clearing the mind of negative thoughts which lead to negative actions is through careful analysis of those thoughts while meditating. Being that I have difficulties sitting for too long I chose to perform, “Walking Meditation” each morning. Today was my first venture into this interesting realm of psychoanalysis.

I concentrated on my breathing and watched each breath enter and leave my body while allowing my mind to wonder. It’s amazing how many thoughts just pop up at random for what seems no reason at all. Most of these thoughts were positive with affirmations like, “I’m walking”, “I’m on the right track to regaining my health”, “Should I join the gym now or wait until I feel I really need to when the weather changes?”, “Wow, it’s a beautiful morning”. These thoughts and many others I simply acknowledge as they made me feel joy.

The other darker thoughts I had made me ask the question, “Why am I thinking that thought?”. There was one that really sent up a red flag. As I was walking a woman was walking her dog and I watched her allow her dog to urinate of someone’s beautiful lawn. This action immediately inspired thoughts of her ignorance and how she is a bad person. My mind turned this lovely old lady into a horrible criminal who doesn’t deserve to even own a dog if she doesn’t know how to train it properly. I caught myself thinking this thought and quickly asked myself if it is a thought that brings about joy. But then I started thinking about the home owner who takes meticulous care of his/her landscaping and the suffering they must endure to fix the spot where the grass will eventually die. But wait, is this my suffering or is it the suffering of another? Am I my brother’s keeper? Should I have confronted this woman and pointed out the harm, as little as it may be, that she is causing another? I didn’t confront her and made the decision to let this thought simply go.

There are many negative things that happen in the world and by trying to solve them all can only keep negative thoughts circling through my mind. Even the smallest one’s like the “dog pee” incident will stay with me. I don’t want to think this way and live this way. There is just too much to appreciate around me and when I think in the way of gratitude it not only effects my being in positive ways, it also spreads throughout my encounters with others.

I am allowing this thought to simply pass and not allow it to affect me in the future when I will encounter this type of incident again.

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I’m Billy,

After many years of working in stressful careers I find myself in retirement life. I want to share all of the ups and downs of retirement along with my dreams and ambitions. I am in a constant search for peace and tranquility.